I thought about buying an electric car, and had seen that the local Citroen dealer had an attractive little
model on sale in its showroom. It's been there for about a year-and-a-half now. The salesman, who seemed reasonably interested in selling the car, pointed out that the (Swedish) price had been reduced by a quarter, from about 60,000 USD, equivalent, to about 45,000, including the Swedish government's special subsidy for environmentally-friendly car purchases (about 6000 USD). Still, in the time it had been in the showroom, there had been only one serious prospective buyer, who in the end just couldn't make the equation of low range (optimally, about 150 km) between charges, expense and lack of charging stations make sense. A number of people, like me, had shown some interest, but little more. I thanked him for his time and went home "to think about it." I also wrote a letter (now about three weeks ago), to the owner of my apartment building, when I realized that even if I bought an electric car, it would be impossible to charge it at home. My letter was simply to ask for information about their plans for electric car hookups. I still haven't received an answer.

Two electric car charging posts await their occasional users.
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